
Free Demos By Me Tomorrow - Soft Flex Open House in Sonoma, CA

Tomorrow, we are having a Gallery Open House Sale in Sonoma. I don't usually get to go since I live in Phoenix, but this time I will personally be there on Saturday. I'll have all of my fun new ornaments to show in person as well as a whole lot  of wonderful jewelry designs too. I will be demo-ing my heart out! So, if you live in the Bay Area, we'd love to see you!

Soft Flex Gallery Open House
22678 Broadway, Suite 1
Sonoma, CA 95476
Broadway is also known as Sonoma HWY 12 / ROUTE 12 / CA-12
Go down the long driveway and turn right at the stop sign.
We are located adjacent to Wine Country Party & Events.


Upcoming Jewelry Making Classes in Tucson, Arizona at Design & Adorn Beading Studio

Knitting with Soft Flex on a Spool Class

January 11, 2014
Design and Adorn Beading Studio
4630 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 209-1900


Soft Flex Earrings Class

This particular class will be great for making several holiday gifts in one sitting!
January 11, 2014
Design and Adorn Beading Studio
4630 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 209-1900

Call to sign up - Limited space available!


Free Holiday Ornament Patterns

Are you looking for a few easy patterns for creating your own ornaments this year? I've been quite busy this month, posting project after project on the SoftFlexGirl blog. Each ornament idea includes instructions. Some of the ornaments shown above will not post until next week. There are more to come!


Kumihimo With Soft Flex Beading Wire - As Seen in Step-by-Step Wire Jewelry Magazine


I created the above design using Soft Flex Wire on a kumihimo board for the latest issues of Step-by-Step Wire Jewelry.

If you'd like to learn more about this project, I encourage you to pick up a copy of the magazine. You'll find wonderful step-by-step photos to guide you through the project!


Jewel School Videos!

Wow! Jewel School last weekend was another whirlwind of craziness, lights, camera and action. It was fun to have Nealay Patel with me to show some of his amazing designs. I left feeling inspired and ready to create! If you missed out on the fun, you can always watch the videos on YouTube.

I recorded two Videos on Demand while at the Jtv studios.  This video shows you how to finish off a knitting spool design using Soft Flex beading wire.

This video shows you how to use the Universal Magical Crimpers to make a fun and easy pair of earrings using Soft Flex beading wire. 


Nealay Patel and Sara Oehler on Jewel School - October 13-14!

I'm so excited that my friend Nealay Patel is going to join me again on Jewel School in a few weeks. 

Sunday, October 13
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)
Monday, October 14
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)
 Check your guide for you local channel and time!
You can also tune in online through the website by clicking on "airing now"!

Nealay and I both had projects featured in the book Creative Beading Vol. 8. So we are going to be offering this book signed by both of us. They only ordered a limited quantity so this will be a very special opportunity that only a few lucky customers will get a chance to buy.

We will also be offering a small quantity of the same gift bag that Soft Flex Company handed out in the Teen Choice Awards Gift Lounge. This is perfect for a kid or teen in your life that you would love to share the art of beading with as a present. Boys and girls like to make jewelry, so don't count boys out!

We have a bunch of other really fun things planned for the show so please tune in and check us out!


Children's Action Alliance - Through The Eyes of a Child Silent Auction

My husband is wonderful. I know, I know... most wives think that their husbands are wonderful, but mine really is. He works as a Research Associate at Children's Action Alliance. He spends a great deal of time thinking of how he can make the world a better place. His organization advocates for laws that make sense for the children of Arizona. 

Every year they have a big fundraiser called "Through the Eyes of a Child" (TEOC). This year in particular is a pivotal year because they are celebrating their 25th anniversary. In order to support their event, I personally donated an autographed copy of Show Your Colors (my book), a Soft Flex Trio and a custom jewelry design to go into their silent auction. I hope that my donation will raise much needed funds to keep this organization happy and healthy. If you are interested in going to this event, you can purchase a ticket through the CAA website.

Friday, October 11, 2013 from 11:30am to 1:30pm
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, 340 North 3rd St in Phoenix


Soft Flex Teen Choice Gift Bag Giveaway

Check it out! Soft Flex Company is giving away the same gift bag that we handed out at the Teen Choice Awards!


Teen Choice Awards Gift Lounge in Hollywood

Sometimes I just need to pinch myself. I get to do some incredibly fun and interesting things. Being in the Teen Choice Awards Gift Lounge was certainly a pinch worthy moment last weekend! Soft Flex was approached a few months ago about this event and it has been really difficult to keep quiet about it. It was really exciting for me personally because Kalmbach Publishing sponsored copies of my book Show Your Colors to go into the gift bags that we handed out to the celebrities.

 Here is Erin Murphy (Tabitha on Bewitched) with her Soft Flex gift bag at the Teen Choice Awards Gift Lounge.

What you talkin' about Willis? Check out Todd Bridges (Willis on Diff'rent Strokes) sporting his new Soft Flex gift bag.

Once upon a time, if you had told me that I would help write a book, I would have thought you were out of your mind. Now, if you then told me that I'd watch Tabitha from Bewitched and Willis from Diff'rent Strokes holding copies of the book that they then took home, I would have found it exceedingly far fetched. Life is stranger than fiction sometimes! 

I was also very stoked that I could share this with my husband. Most of the time, we sacrifice time together so that I can be at events like this. It was amazing to be able to be there and not sacrifice my time with Joshua. I wish that I could fold him up and put him in my pocket, so that he could always go with me everywhere! 

The gift lounge was held at the Avalon in Hollywood. The Avalon is a well known venue for concerts and is right across the street from the beautiful Capital Records building.

We stuffed our gift bags  with some of our favorite items: my book Show Your Colors, Serenity Trio, Soft Flex Beading Wire, Soft Flex Crimps and Eurotool's Pocket Crimpers

I taught an earring project. Many of the celebrities took time to sit down and make earrings with me. I teach make-it-take-its for various events across the country.  This was the most fun make-it-take-it table. Not because I was teaching celebrities but because I was teaching people who have never ever made jewelry before and had no idea how easy it can be. The joy of making something with your own hands showed every time someone completed their earrings. It was so FUN! Fusion Beads was kind and sponsored the crystals for our make-it-take-it kits.

Here is Jackie Tohn (American Idol and Platinum Hits Star) with her new earrings. 

Here I am showing actor Tyler Champagne (Travis Parks on The Client List) how to use the Universal Magical Crimping Pliers to make earrings for his Mom!

My co-worker Brian Clark was super stoked to meet Lauren Potter (Becky on Glee). Glee is easily one of his favorite shows. He was quite star-struck. 

Here is Emma Bateman from Modern Family! She was with Saige Campbell and Nolan Shame. Saige Campbell has been seen on Gray's Anatomy, Entourage, Without a Trace and The Guardian. She was also in the movie I Heart Huckabees.

Actor Fabrizio Guido is on a new show called Welcome to the Family, but he is probably best known for playing Tomas in the movie World War Z (which I just saw!). He has also appeared on Gray's Anatomy. We were glad that he stopped by and spent a few minutes of his time with us and grabbed a gift bag.

Here is RJ Mitte who plays Walter White Jr. on the tv show Breaking Bad. He stopped by and picked up a gift bag for his little sister - Lacianne Carriere. She is known for being on Nickelodeon's Victorious, and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.


Beading Classes in Tucson on August 24, 2013!

 2 Class Options - Beaded Beads and Knitting with Wire
August 24, 2013
Design and Adorn Beading Studio
4630 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 209-1900
Call to sign up - Limited space available!


Tune Into Jewel School Right Now!

Guest on Jewel School for Jewelry Television (JTV)
Monday, July 22
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)

If you cannot tune in today, you'll have one more opportunity this week:
Wednesday, July 24
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)

Check your guide for you local channel and time! You can tune in online too!


Live on JTV - Jewel School Starts Right Now!

Guest on Jewel School for Jewelry Television (JTV)
Sunday, July 21
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)

If you cannot tune in today, you'll have two more opportunities this week:

Monday, July 22
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)
Wednesday, July 24
10am-12pm (EST) / 7am-9am (PST)
Check your guide for you local channel and time! You can tune in online too!


Soft Flex Earring Project Booklet Now Available!

by Sara Oehler (that's me!)

Now Available from Soft Flex!

This booklet contains 12 modern earring designs using Soft Flex Beading Wire. You will also learn about beading wire brands, diameters, crimps and crimping pliers. This is a great booklet for a beginner or an advanced beader that is looking to take their beading in a new direction. Each project can be completed in less than 20 minutes!


Springy Spiral Bangles in Creative Beading Volume 8

Last week, while I was on vacation, I got a text message from my friend Nealay Patel. He was thumbing through the latest book from Kalmbach Publishing and recognized my project. Each year, the editor of Bead and Button magazine puts together an "annual compendium of the best projects" from the previous year. My Springy Spiral Bangles were chosen for the book. Yay! You can find this project on pages 86-87.


Bead&Button Show Recap

Wow! The Bead and Button Show was a complicated but fun adventure for me this year. I taught one full day class and one part day class. I helped to create and teach the Soft Flex Make-it-Take-it. I attended Meet the Teachers night. And, I demoed my little fingers off in the booth.

Both of my classes were awesome! Everyone was very patient and kind to me, their fellow students and even themselves. I was very pleased and impressed at how quickly they picked up on their newly learned skills and ran with them. I had 10 students in each class and this was plenty to keep me busy. I have come to the general conclusion that this should probably be my limit. This way I can get around to each student and give hands on assistance when needed.

I am glad that I don't have another bead show on the schedule until next year. I love to see my friends and I love to make new friends at bead shows. It is so neat to exchange ideas and discuss beading with people who are as enthusiastic about it as I am. However, it is a lot of work and it is nice to have a nice long break before I have to do it again. 


Jewelry Stringing magazine - Summer Issue

Winter Issue

This design is particularly sweet for me. I have not had a design in Jewelry Stringing since their first two inaugural issues - Fall 2004 and Spring 2005. That is nearly a decade ago! The cane glass used int his design in from David Christensen. You should buy a copy and check out all of the lovely designs in the latest issue!

I gave this design to my friend and co-worker Kristen Fagan. She did a huge favor for me, and it just looked so darn good on her that I needed her to have it! 


Bead&Button Show Events This Week!

Free Make-It-Take-Its
Sponsored by Soft Flex Company
Wednesday, June 5 - Sunday June 9
Front Lobby at the BeadAndButton Show


Teacher at BeadAndButton Show
Russian Spiral Bugle Bangle 
Sponsored by Soft Flex Company
Thu. June 6 - 8:30am-3:30pm (with 1 hr. break)
Room DC 203E
Delta Center
400 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53203


  Teacher at BeadAndButton Show
Earrings, Earrings And More Earrings
Sponsored by Soft Flex Company
Sat. June 8 - 2:00pm-5:00pm
Room DC 203E 
Delta Center
400 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53203


Teaching Beading in Tucson!

Yesterday, I had the extreme pleasure of spending a full day at Design and Adorn Beading Studio in Tucson, AZ. I taught two full classes. 

The first class focused on using beading wire as a component in the design, rather than as a supply. It was the first time that I got to share a new booklet of my designs that Soft Flex Company will be featuring at the Bead and Button Show this year. We completed 3-4 of the 12 earring projects from the booklet. Soft Flex Company sponsored beading wire and booklets for each student.

The second class focused on learning the Russian spiral beading technique to make a bugle bangle bracelet. It is not an easy technique to get started. I felt very accomplished once they were all underway and I could see their bangles taking shape. Soft Flex Company sponsored beading wire and bead stoppers for each student.

Both classes were practice runs for my upcoming Bead and Button Show classes that I will be teaching in about 10 days. All of the students at Design and Adorn were wonderful, patient and eager to learn. I am hopeful that each one walked away having learned a skill that they can now take back to their beading table to create new designs of their own.


Onward and Upward

At the start of the week, I got some disappointing news. I had worked hard on a project for months but it came to the end of the road on Monday. It was the first time in a long time that I felt so bummed, but I think that it was most difficult because I really believed in the project and had a hard time imagining it not moving forward. Well, life never keeps me down for too long. Not all projects work out and I did try my best. There is not much more that I could have done and sometimes things just are not meant to be. 

Today, I opened up a box and found the new book Easy Beading Vol. 9 from the Publisher of BeadStyle magazine. I was thrilled to see that they included my necklace and bracelet, "Ringed in Color" on pages 78-81. It was just the pick-me-up that I needed.


April Issue of Bead Trends Magazine

Bead Trends
April 2013

I have a new design featured in Bead Trends Magazine's April issue. Pick up a copy and check it out!


Check Out Jewel School On You Tube!

Guess what!? Now, you can check out episodes of Jewel School with JTV On Demand on You Tube! So, if you missed the show or don't have cable, you can still see the demos and learn more about our wonderful products.

Sunday - April 14, 2013

 Monday - April 15, 2013